In the Shri Yantra and the Star of David (see below), the upwards triangles represent the masculine half of the Universe, while the downwards triangles are the feminine half. This can be understood by comparing it to a tree- assuming the shoot as the masculine half and the root as the feminine half. All the 'underground', dark, sexual, messy, hidden, mysterious parts of the world are 'feminine' or Yin in nature. This includes the woman's role as an enchantress, inspiring people- especially men- to constantly throw energy at her. She constantly tests the purity of a man's energy by being the highest and truest representation of her own sexual energy in a display of extreme seduction.
However, this cannot be achieved by simply 'acting seductive'. Yes, wearing makeup and dressing up absolutely makes us look and feel more attractive outwardly, but the body itself must be in a constant, effortless 'flow'. It is energetically inauthentic and unnatural if it does not come from within and is not true to you. You, woman, must learn to actively 'wear' your own sensuality in the form of body language and clothes (as I contemplated in a previous blog post)
The easiest way to learn to cultivate this is through movement. As the downward triangles of the Sri Yantra represent yin energy, it is essential to know that movement in the lower half of the body can be extremely beneficial in connecting with your femininity. The 'girl/woman dancing in her room' is such an overused trope in the media, and for good reason! Moving your hips, waist, and legs every single day is the fastest way to churn your sensuality by literally causing a stir in the lower centers.
Many-a-times, in our civilized society, we, as little girls (but also children of both genders in general), are rewarded for 'keeping our cool' and not crying in a stressful situation. It is considered ladylike not to let our emotions overflow. But you must know, you are an embodiment of nature, lady, and nature is never calm or rational. Its sole purpose is to thrive and remove everything that is a hindrance to its growth. The only one that wins is the fittest survivor. As a woman, it is of utmost importance to create warmth in your naturally cold sexuality, through movement. The most liberating thing you can do is let your body completely loose and let it guide you. Throw your head back and arms out as far as you can.
'Letting loose' does not necessarily refer to promiscuity and making bad decisions, and awareness about your own body does not always come from coming in contact with another person. It is not only an exercise for surface-level things like relaxing into and being comfortable with yourself, but quite literally 'churning' out your core to discover everything you truly like without being influenced into liking them by outer sources. It is a journey to letting your body find out what it likes, while avoiding putting your discovery into action right away. That is by no means the exhaustive benefit of movement but one of many.
Through this gradual process, many material factors must be taken into consideration, including your clothes, the music you choose to move to, your environment. All of those things, as I mentioned before, must be chosen in a 'headless' manner- without rationalization. After all, it cannot hurt when you're only dancing in your room where no one can see you! The reason for that is that nature (and the Universe) consists of... well... things! It is essential to surround yourself with things that truly make your soul happy- regardless of whether you feel people would judge you for them- while you learn to connect with your body. This speeds up the process exponentially.
This leads to the default conclusion that movement in the upper body could be extremely beneficial to men. However, moving the upper body much more than the lower body on a daily basis could actually gradually disconnect women from their body and lead to acute stagnation, a cold and restricted nature, and complete unawareness. This is definitely not the end all be all of warming yourself up, but could always be a small drop in the vast unexplored ocean that is you.