I'm learning (in practice) how the spiritual path requires one to put their ego down over and over again.
...and the tests are incredibly subtle too.
A few months ago, I REALLY started noticing my body's natural reactions around people- ALL people. This includes the thousands of people I come across during my commute, in events, during video conference meetings, the people I work with, my close friends, etc.
I was never really an outdoorsy person as a teenager (until my 20s) even though I tried to put myself out there whenever I could. I did not quite enjoy the company of people that weren't exclusively my people mostly because I did not enjoy being stared at by so-called 'creeps' everywhere I went.
Interestingly, as a teenager, I also wanted to be famous in my 20s. I wonder how I would've handled THAT!
Now that I'm learning more about life, I'm realising that the 'creeps' aren't really creeps, and that I can hugely benefit from having them around.
And so can YOU!
Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
It is no news that being stared at and having their pictures taken/videos recorded in 'secrecy' every time they travel in the general coach of the metro is quite uncomfortable for the majority of the women. That is also why a lot of them prefer to travel in the women's coach exclusively. I used to be one of those women.
However, the same women wouldn't mind being stared at by a man who is outwardly 'shiny looking'- maybe he's handsome, maybe he looks like he has money or is at a socially higher position than most. Whatever the reason is, we need to ask ourselves why we cower away from all men except the ones who look a certain way.
One thing to take as a starting point for this is that our emotions are merely indicators of our internal state, not the concrete truth. Emotions are far from any objective truth ever, no matter what that emotion is.
The only objective truth is sex and your libido.
However, emotions can be quite beneficial in making us aware of the root of certain issues, just like fire itself is not a substance but merely the light produced by a reaction. Similarly, our emotions have nothing to do with who we are at the core as a person. They are merely indicators, and should be taken as such. When we have a fever, it is only an indicator that our body is unwell, but fever itself is not a disease.
So why, then, do we take our feelings to label someone else? Why do we label some men as 'creeps' but not others who are more handsome? Why are we labelling socially weaker men as creeps at all, if they find us attractive? And why are we giving away our power all at once to the ones who are not?
The number one thing that keeps women in a state of constant anxiety and just an overall terrible mood at all times is people staring at them, especially men. I wouldn't dismiss the effect that has on a woman's psyche. Our biological system is made that way. We only feel 'safe' around a man who embodies the highest of masculine traits- total self-assurance and discriminatory abilities- but most of all someone who has overcome his lust. Our biological 'sifter' is made this way to make sure that we only reproduce with the best men for evolution, and so the feeling that we're in danger magnifies manifold when we are around hundreds of men who do not embody those traits. However, no one can make us feel anything unless we let them, so it is essential to realise that before we blame someone else for how we're feeling. Therefore, as essential as this discernment is, it should just be taken objectively as a radar and left at that.
All women possess this 'radar' but some don't realise it, if they're disconnected from their libido. A lot of women only know this unconsciously or subconsciously and cower away from all men ever. Other factors that may add to this are- never experiencing a healthy masculine presence in your life, having trauma from men, etc. This disconnects us from our libido even further because even though we are completely capable of connecting with our libido all by ourselves to figure out what we like or dislike, we still need to desensitise ourselves to male energy, so it's not too shocking for us.
'Worship' is essentially just a person thinking about or meditating upon something in an incredibly focused way. This is why meditating upon the form of a deity or God itself is a prominent practice in every religion. When we have many people uncontrollably thinking about us, whether it is lustfully, angrily, or even in admiration, they are essentially worshipping us. We, as women, are using up all the 'unused' or 'wasted' sexual energy of the world to fuel our beauty and vitality at all times. When thousands of men are staring at us or even taking pictures of us to look at later, every single day, it is not only harmless to us but actively adds to our beauty and health. On the left is an Instagram post I made on the same topic almost 2 years ago.
I cannot emphasise enough how important it is to learn to be comfortable in the presence of men. A man stares at a woman because she is beautiful and deserves to be stared at. I'm not saying his intentions are always pure and free of malice, but it is not her problem how he chooses to use his energy- whether he preserves it or throws it all away at her or anyone else. The best thing she can do is opening up to it and collecting it for herself, no matter who he is- her gardener, her driver, her boss, or even her lover.
A major issue in our world is that a lot of women are terrified of men. As someone who was in that position once, I completely understand how it feels. It makes a lot of women want to hide themselves- hide and desexualise their buxom bodies under oversized shirts and baggy pants, emasculate their appearance, or even purposefully make themselves look frumpy to hide their gorgeous faces. It makes women try to 'not let men win' by denying them all aesthetic and sexual pleasure. What they don't realise is that in doing so, they are harming themselves the most. The biggest harm they can actually cause a man is attacking his sexual centre and consuming his energy by being incredibly luscious.
A woman, due to her being like the Moon, does not produce any light or energy of her own. Energy comes from semen (the Sun), which is why there is so much focus on semen retention and withholding orgasms in spiritual cultures, sports, etc. She can only incubate the energy in her womb, i.e. synthesise it for creation. Therefore, the more energy you can collect for yourself from men wasting their own by worshipping you, the better it is for you.
This brings me to my other point about women just instantly giving themselves away to men in positions of social power. The more energy a woman can obtain from all the men that she encounters, the less she will care about outer appearances. Her ability to discriminate between men regardless of outer appearances will grow infinitely.
This requires her to go through the biggest test of life- treating everyone as equal, and not discerning a man's character by his social position. A good starting point would be refraining from labelling men as 'creeps' or 'perverts' at all. We must approach this in a warm and open way to learn something from the entire experience. Dismissal of anything is always easy; bowing down to it is not. As long as you're safe from any physical harm or as long as you are not in a one-on-one troubling situation with a certain man, you are the only one benefitting from this exchange. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article that the spiritual path requires one to put their ego down over and over again. This is a test for a woman to learn to get comfortable with her body and find out what makes her so uncomfortable about just... existing... in any space with her sultry self. This is a test for her to learn to be seen and venerated. This is a test for her to come to terms with the wild nature of a man in general and learn to not be scared of it.
It is a great practice for when her soulmate- the manliest man ever- opens up to her about all his fetishes and sexual desires, so that it does not absolutely shock and horrify her into oblivion.