There are two poles in any energetic or magnetic exchange: the positive pole and the negative pole. The masculine principle is the positive pole, or the mountain from which energy dissipates towards the more yin valley. While we can understand masculinity in and of itself, I would like to look at the astrological statistics regarding men who are in long-term heterosexual relationships today as well as the definition of the term "husband material."
In order to determine which placements bestow upon men not only a blessed sexual and marital union, but also an innate understanding of the masculine principle, I gathered the birth data on 130 men in long-term marriages/relationships (15+ years). These relationships either still exist or have only ever ended with the death of one of the spouses. I purposely included a sizable number of celebrities in my analysis, as the temptations and decisions that come with being extremely wealthy and glamorous add a level of difficulty that most people do not encounter in their daily lives.
Note: This research is based on sidereal Vedic astrology. Western/tropical placements, principles and interpretations do not apply to it.
In Part 1 of this blogpost, we are going to explore the following-
The top Moon + Ascendant placements- nakshatra, sign, house
Additional Connections and Patterns surrounding the same
Let us view the results by Sign first and then discuss the nakshatras.
Surprisingly, Libra is the highest Moon sign for men in long-term relationships, much like the Top Moon Sign graph for women. Traditionally representing relationships as the 7th house opposite the individuality-focused 1st house, it is remarkable to note how significant a role Libra plays in uniting people.
The Moon's top placement was Sun-ruled Uttar Ashadh (26°40′ Sagittarius to 10° Capricorn) nakshatra.
I will talk about Libra rashi's significance for relationships later, but first I would like to talk about Sun-ruled nakshatras, which appear to have a considerably bigger impact for men in the longevity of a relationship.
Solar Masculinity
The research findings indicate that Uttar Ashadh was the top Ascendant and Moon placement. The 2nd highest Ascendant placement was also a Sun-ruled Nakshatra: Uttar Phalguni.
Uttar Ashadh was the top nakshatra even when the Sun, Moon, and Acendant placements were combined.
Additionally, the 3 Sun-ruled nakshatras (Krittika, Uttar Phalguni, Uttar Ashadh) together made up the largest portion of all of the ascendant nakshatras, as well as with the Sun + Moon + Ascendant placements combined.
In order to comprehend the Sun nakshatras' success in relationships, let us first examine the masculine principle. The male principle is non-materialistic, immaterial, and wordless in occult texts, and is identified with Shiva, the Sun, and Hadit.
Initially, this seems extremely unexpected since the sexual compatibility system does not list a female yoni consort for Uttar Ashadh nakshatra. But as one looks closer, it becomes clear that men need independence in order to succeed in partnerships. For a successful relationship, while material independence seemed to be encouraged for women, Sun nakshatras encourage emotional independence in men.
Being a provider or even a financial contributor is not a prerequisite for material independence. Regardless of her role as a career-woman or a homemaker, a woman needs to be conscious of her own material requirements that do not include her partner. In her book "The Empowered Wife" Laura Doyle discusses the significance of pursuing your own goals as a woman and how doing so greatly elevates your emotional state and makes you happier and more amiable. Similarly, emotional independence in men does not equate to emotional unavailability. A man may be present in moments of emotional vulnerability and understand his own emotions, while not being overtly expressive himself. Men, in a non-spiritual state, naturally have more material needs while women have more emotional needs. Therefore, reversing these roles in a relationship is essential- men must be in tune with their emotions, and women with their material needs. An alchemically stable relationship is produced by men who pursue their spiritual desires and women who give in to their impulses.
Uttar Ashadh and Uttar Phalguni both classify as sthira (स्थिर) or stable nakshatras. Rohini, which was the 3rd highest Moon placement, is also a sthira nakshatra. Sthira nakshatras are internally abundant and require very little to feel nourished. Their lack of materialistic tendencies cause them to have minimal materialistic desires from a woman. The jackfruit tree is associated with Uttar Ashadh nakshatra because of this. The largest fruit on Earth, jackfruit is frequently connected to abundance across various cultures.
As the more chaotic, yin feminine energy, women are always looking for stability in a man, which these nakshatras are adept at providing. Sun men typically seem non-committal, but bachelorhood is, in fact, another facet of stability for them. Their bachelorhood is highly unchangeable in itself and they would not usually commit to a woman unless she has the intense gravity to pull him in. George Clooney (Uttar Ashadh Moon) was labelled a "forever bachelor" until he got married to Amal Clooney (Jyeshtha Moon). I discuss the power of the "eternal girlfriend" Jyeshtha nakshatra and Mercury in Part 2 of The Wife Material Zodiac Sign.
For a Sun dominant man, the end of his bachelorhood is a significant turning point in his life. While men with other nakshatras see relationships as a part of life or as something inevitable, Sun men are so independent or fixed in bachelorhood that the ending of bachelorhood is a huge event for their generally non-committal nature. These men do not obsess over much because they do not experience much anxiety, but bachelorhood was a recurring motif in their fiction writing. Although other nakshatras discuss the passionate and euphoric sensation of love, Sun men find commitment so unbelievable for themselves that they have written entire works of fiction about the process of being committed. Here's a song on a similar theme by Brendon Urie that he wrote about his own wedding (Uttar Phalguni Moon):
Other works include-
Hitch- starring Will Smith (Uttar Phalguni Sun)
Made of Honor- starring Patrick Dempsey (Uttar Ashadh Sun)
Two Weeks Notice- starring Hugh Grant (Uttar Phalguni Asc)
Something's Gotta Give- starring Jack Nicholson (Krittika Sun, Uttar Phalguni Moon)
A woman must be extraordinary levels of attractive and appealing and refrain from pursuing a man in order to gain the adoration of a truly masculine man, just as a man must put in great effort and energy to win the admiration of a sexually liberated and materially astute woman. Men initiate relationships on the material plane, but women initiate relationships on the astral realm through seduction. Once the relationship begins in the material world, Sun men typically remain steadfast and devoted to their partners even through difficult circumstances.
To put it more simply, Sun nakshatra men are very giving and tolerant, which makes them attractive to many women. They also naturally exemplify stability and non-materialistic values. They simply cannot find fulfillment in the material world, thus they become good providers because they have little to no financial anxiety. However, these men are extremely frugal with expending their energy. They will only do so with a vessel—a person or thing—that they believe to be deserving or "magical." This is represented by the Sun-ruled 5th house of Leo, which has to do with speculative business and investments. Their general lack of interest in materialism means that they only spend time with people and things that genuinely interest them.
In Tantra, the Sun often symbolizes the individual self (Atman) and consciousness. It is seen as a representation of the inner light and the core of one's being. It is connected to gold, the highest and most perfected state of matter, representing spiritual perfection and enlightenment. Therefore, it makes sense that men with Sun nakshatras typically look for relationships that are spiritually of the highest caliber. Even though they lack yin energy, which is necessary for intuition, they are nonetheless able to sense tremendous feminine power in the thing they admire just by its sheer gravitational attraction. Traditionally, marriages are also auspicious when Moon is in Uttar Phalguni, as does this nakshatra bring tremendous marital bliss for men. Aryaman, the deity of Uttar Phalguni nakshatra, is the God of contracts in vedic myth.
As the Sun rules independence, these men greatly value their own independence as well. When women get into relationships with Sun men, they require ungoldly levels of astral seduction to simply keep the phallic force of these men directed towards themselves. Tantric relationships are like a war between men and women, where the man remains firmly grounded in his non-material nature and the woman must continually entice him astrally in order for him to pursue her. After accepting the astral bait, the man follows the woman as her desires intensify, making his pursuit of her more intense. Sun men are naturally unfazed by sexuality while Mars and Mercury as planets represent sexuality in women (Muladhar and Swadhisthan Chakra). These men, due to their fixed nature, will not easily leave a relationship, but are never attracted to women who pursue them. The stability that men provide in these successful relationships inspires utmost independence in women. She becomes increasingly satiated and distances herself, leaning into her own desires and passion. By becoming more alluring in this way, she gains his admiration and pursuit again. These traits, again, are most naturally embodied by Mars and Mercury nakshatra women, as seen in The Wife Material Zodiac Sign Part 1 and Part 2.
In Astrology, occult knowledge is signified by Ketu and Venus. However, the behavior and personality traits of Sun nakshatra men resembles the male principle and Shiva the closest. These men often practice radical honesty and penance as a way to maintain their vigor. They invest their time only, and only, in things and people that truly draw them in. These men are not the type to entertain people merely for the purpose of entertainment or to "be nice" to those they do not find intriguing, which is one of the reasons women are drawn to them. They typically do not require anything from a woman but are not ones to endlessly pour into her with no reciprocation from her, avidly avoiding the friendzone. They are the kind of men to 'ride the wave' instead of overindulging in emotions.
Men with Sun nakshatras appear dispassionate at first, but in reality, they are stoic people who have little concern about the things they cannot control. Thus, their fearlessness and tenacity in their relationships contribute to another facet of their stability. A person who always has one foot out of the door will never be able to let themselves be vulnerable and "fall in love." For this reason, it is imperative to avoid fence-sitting, which is considered to be one of the worst relationship killers. In women, we saw 'ride or die' behavior in a more devotional sense in Jyeshtha nakshatra. In Chitra and Dhanishtha women, longevity in relationships comes through being highly self-assertive and putting self-care first. These men rarely experience anxiety since they are almost constantly riding the wave. As a result, they are frequently totally present in the moment. Instead of actually becoming agitated, these men are more drawn to the object that can cause them to feel uneasy. Metaphorically this is represented by Parvati astrally pursuing Shiva in a meditative state. Instead of becoming agitated, he begins pursuing her on the material place.
This can be compared to the Vata and yin planets, Rahu and Saturn. Anxiety and a dread of the unknown are the root causes of vata disorders. Rahu rules the future and uncertainty, whereas Saturn rules the masses and fitting in to maintain communal harmony. The Sun is in opposition to both of these planets since astrologically it is eclipsed by Rahu and inmical to Saturn. The Sun, the source of light, stands for extreme individuation. Being rooted in the present eliminates worries and fears about the future.
Sun men often contemplate the impermanence of things, which, ironically, creates more permanence in their life. Another common source of this permanence is letting go rather than clinging to one's beliefs. They are often not extremely obstinate or inflexible in their ideas, even if they have strong values and are quite dignified spiritually. Because of this, they are extremely flexible to the ups and downs of feminine nature. Numerous spiritual traditions discuss the idea that fear causes you to attract more of what you fear. That is to say, persistent anxiety breeds a fatalistic worldview that will eventually bring about what you fear most. By being detached from expectations or outcomes altogether, Sun men not only avoid emotional turmoil and unfavourable outcomes, but also create a relaxed environment for their women.
Given that both Uttar Phalguni and Uttar Ashadh are warrior caste nakshatras, one initially associates them with an extremely aggressive and violent man. But a warrior's emotions cannot overcome him in combat. Thus, these nakshatras are always calm and full of resolve to take on obstacles head-on and never give up.
One-pointedness is a key component of spiritual masculinity. This relates, broadly speaking, to the stability that women find extremely attractive. It contrasts with the highly dualistic nakshatra- Ardra- which was the lowest nakshatra (Sun, Moon, Ascendant placements combined) for both men and women in long term relationships.
Ardra is situated in Gemini, the opposite sign of Sagittarius, where Uttar Ashadh begins. It is ruled by Rahu, which eclipses the Sun as previously noted. Rahu encourages the pursuit of fictitious and novel concepts, ultimately aiming to eradicate tradition by eliminating polarity. Due to the more traditional nature of heterosexual relationships, Ardra was not heavily represented in this study.
Rahu creates a lot of anxiety especially in its 1st nakshatra, which leads Ardra to artificially erase duality in the outer world as compared to their inner microcosm, leading to the erasure of sexual polarity and dimorphism. They attempt to erase duality while antagonizing things like 'double standards'. This is why a large number of people who seek change in other people's mindset regarding sexuality, gender etc. have Ardra nakshatra. The Gemini rashi's placement directly opposite Sagittarius, the natural 9th house of philosophy, higher ideals, religion, etc., further supports this.
Ardra likewise tries to adopt the stoic demeanor of Sun men in an effort to "eclipse" the Sun. But because it does not originate from a genuine and peaceful place, it seems more antagonistic and nihilistic than stoic.
In a spiritual sense, sun men complement Mars and Mercury women nicely since they demonstrate rather than dictate. Mars and Mercury women communicate nonverbally by being stunning and expressing themselves with little words. Their body and seduction are their main means of communication. In a same vein, Sun men express their admiration for women by deeds rather than words, speaking to them in their earthly, material language. They often also speak less in order to conserve energy and accomplish more. Sun nakshatras sit at the cusp of the fire signs and the earth signs (Aries-Taurus, Leo-Virgo, Sagittarius-Capricorn). The ideas forged in the spiritual fires (represented by the fire signs) are then crystallized to make them tangible for women (represented by the earth signs).
5th House: Romance, Performance, Creativity, Investments
The 5th house was the top placement for Moon and Ketu for men in long term relationships.
The Sun rules the 5th house, which corresponds to Leo. An abundance of Yang energy is represented by a blessed 5th house. In addition to investments, the sexual energy that aspires to multiply and expand is represented by the 5th house. A man that is truly masculine will only decide to put his resources and energy into things that have the potential to expand and flourish over time. This explains why men are biologically drawn to women who exhibit obvious indicators of fertility, such as big breasts and broad hips. Nonetheless, a man with a strong 5th house also possesses an innate ability for romance and creativity, which women find appealing. "Performance" is a powerful component of romance and is crucial to winning a woman over.
Strong instances of this can be found in the animal and bird realm, where certain species, like peacocks and certain birds of paradise, have males that are significantly more attractive and performative than females. While women have the option to accept or reject their overtures, men go through elaborate procedures in an attempt to impress them.
Research shows a more active dopamine system in most men, as compared to women. Women get cranky easily and need more external dopamine than men to stay happy and content, which is why they are more likely to be the needy one in a relationship. A man having his Moon or Ketu in the 5th house shows his proficiency in romance and an eagerness to please a woman, which sustains a relationship for a long period of time. It also shows the ability to have large reserves of energy that can only be cultivated through virginity and brahmacharya, and resulting in these men only giving their energy to one partner for the rest of their lives.
In conclusion, I would like to highlight a few key aspects of Sun energy that help men become a pillar of stability in a relationship.
Top Moon: Uttar Ashadh- Sun-ruled nakshatra
Top Ascendant: Uttar Ashadh and Uttar Phalguni- Sun-ruled nakshatras
Top Placement for Moon and Ketu: the natural 5th House