"When will I get married?" —the question that has kept my inbox eternally full with over 4000+ consultations.
Vedic astrology has no shortage of cosmic twists and turns on the path to the altar. Since each chart is unique, each person's projections will change. In assessing the possible timing of a woman's wedding, there are a few dashes or planetary periods that were prominent.
Note: This research is based on sidereal Vedic astrology. Western/tropical placements, principles and interpretations do not apply to it.
In order to determine which planetary dashas bestow upon women a marital union, I gathered the birth chart + Navamsha (D9 chart) data on 135 women in long-term marriages/relationships (15+ years). These relationships either still exist or have only ever ended with the death of one of the spouses.
Keep in mind, even the dashas that showed up as the top factors are not guaranteed to bring marriage; this varies greatly from chart to chart. However, if you are at a point in your life where you want to be married, one or more of these dashas will undoubtedly make it happen. Naturally, there are many more criteria that have not been covered in this blog post, but I am simply revealing the top three that emerged from my data analysis.
Please click below to schedule an astrological consultation with me if you would want a thorough analysis of your birth chart.
1) Jupiter Mahadasha
2.17x the average
Unsurprisingly, Jupiter—the “Great Benefic” and astrologically designated husband—stakes the top spot. It represents the husband in a woman's chart since in a spiritual sense, she is supposed to receive those things from her husband for the majority of her life. Because of this, the Jupiter Mahadasha was, predictably, the most important aspect in a woman's marriage. Astrological research findings do not often match up with astrological generalizations, but this time they remarkably did.
Jupiter is a planet that gives us a sense of bliss and resources from other people. Its dasha brings a husband and instills a sense of unending happiness. According to Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, a person generally acquires wealth (along with clothing and the occasional set of fancy wheels) during the Jupiter dasha. This also frequently occurs during or following weddings.
Of course, only the timing of marriage is determined by this study, not its likelihood of success. Only happy, long-lasting marriages were included in the study's sample size, but other aspects of the birth chart would eventually influence the final result.
So let's talk numbers...
With a staggering 2.17 times the average, this places Jupiter Mahadasha as the primary factor influencing marriage for women. Out of the nine Vedic planets, this one planetary dasha accounted for over one-fourth of the sample size. 32 out of 135 women in this study got married during their Jupiter Mahadasha.
It is interesting to note that in my research of 119 women in long term relationships, Mars, Moon, and Rahu ruled nakshatras made up the top nakshatras for Moon.
Mars nakshatras: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishtha
Moon nakshatras: Rohini, Hasta, Sravan
Rahu nakshatras: Ardra, Swati, Shatbhisha
Only roughly half of the women in this study are from my earlier research on women in long-term relationships; the other half are entirely new names that I added whose wedding dates I could find. The outcomes were nearly identical, though, with the Moon sign being dominated by nakshatras governed by Mars, Moon, and Rahu.
This relates to how the top Mahadasha planets were Jupiter, Saturn, and to a lesser extent, Rahu. Rahu, Jupiter, and/or Saturn dashas will occur in the 20s and 30s for a person born under a nakshatra ruled by the Moon, Mars, or Rahu. According to statistics, the majority of people get married at this age. Naturally, this is not the main explanation for why Jupiter mahadasha is the biggest factor, but it makes a substantial contribution.
A woman with her Moon in Punarvasu, Vishakha, or Purva Bhadrapad nakshatras will be born in a Jupiter Mahadasha and is very unlikely to marry in the Jupiter dasha itself, as Jupiter is the ruling planet. This is a fact that should go without saying. Oddly, Jupiter-ruled Moon nakshatras were also the lowest for women in long-term relationships.
Since childhood programming affects the most of our life, our birth nakshatra and its mahadasha has the biggest impact on us. Jupiter-nakshatra women tend to be quite independent and don't actively seek marriage. The 'bliss' that the Jupiter Mahadasha brings feels new to most other nakshatras, but Jupiter women having previously experienced it in their early years and are therefore more confident in that sense—almost too secure to the point where they do not even want marriage or a connection like marriage.
2) Pratyantardasha of a Planet in the 11th house of the Navamsha (D9 Chart)
2.04x the average
Since the navamsha (D9) chart symbolizes a person's marriage and marital life, I have included it here. Naturally, not everyone will have a planet in the eleventh house of their navamsha chart, therefore this aspect will not apply to everyone.
As the karaka of fortune, the eleventh house is the most auspicious in the navamsha. It represents the fulfilment of the desires for marriage and within the marriage. In addition to austerities and rites, it deals with social groups, contacts, and society.
A wedding is a ritual that is carried out in front of a number of close friends and family members. When two people tie the knot, word of their union spreads quickly. This improves their reputation in society and feeds the collective's mind with ideas about them. A woman is very likely to get married during the dasha of the 11th house of the navamsha because this essentially encapsulates all of the 11th house elements covered above.
It is also interesting to note that Jupiter is the karaka of the 11th house as well.
3) Pratyantardasha of a Planet conjunct the Sun
1.97x the average
For me, this was the most unexpected one- the "power struggle" planet combo.
Most astrologers will tell you that any planet that is in conjunction with the Sun will automatically lose its potency or begin to act negatively. It is particularly said that this is true when the planet is combust.
This is not at all true in practice.
Quite the opposite, the Sun, as the symbol of self-realization, sparks a marriage-ready glow upon the planets next to it.
This factor is not applicable for everyone either, of course, but you are very likely to get married in the Pratyantardasha of a planet that is conjunct your natal Sun. Additionally, the Antardasha of a planets conjuct the Sun was the 4th most important factor influencing marriage.
Since the Sun is the planet of complete individuation, it symbolizes your soul's calling or your highest self. The Moon represents your thoughts and feelings, which might not always align with what your soul longs for. For instance, even if your soul longs to be more outgoing, you might not actually go out and socialize if your mind is lethargic or exhausted. Therefore, emotions often throw a wrench in your highest self’s plans. For this reason, in astrology, the Moon is regarded as the most significant planet.
But just for a second, imagine your ideal life...
You have a long, happy marriage with a spouse who is beautiful inside and out. You are financially secure and have the house of your dreams- white picket fence and all. You always have the means to splurge on the things you desire.
The majority of people's souls genuinely yearn for these fundamental items.
The Sun, the solar, yang planet, is a symbol of this optimistic scenario. Anxiety and a sense of scarcity are uncommon in people who are operating in a solar way. They appear to be more self-assured and capable of achieving any dream. They will not call these things "too good to be true" or "unrealistic.
One man's delusion is another man's reality.
Moon as a planet represents any form of dread, anxiety, or restricting thoughts. The dasha in which you are born and spend your early years depends on your Moon nakshatra. This shapes your belief system and produces childhood conditioning. If you believe you cannot accomplish something you really desire, it is not because you are 'lower' or less capable than other people; rather, it is because you are experiencing mental obstacles that make you feel that way.
The Sun is therefore our ideal, highest self, and any planet that is in conjunction with it will be enlightened with solar glow rather than weakend (depending upon the house/sign). During the Sun dasha itself, you might become so self-reliant that you do not even think you need a spouse. However, the desire for marriage appears to be frequently fulfilled by the Pratyantardasha (Sub Sub Period) and Antardasha (Sub Period) of planets that are in conjunction with the Sun. Yes, this is true even for those combust planets—often written off as the cosmic wallflowers. It is said that combustion greatly reduces a planet's power or influence, however this does not appear to be the case here.
Note: A planet is said to be in combustion if it is within three degrees of the Sun. For instance, any planet between 9° and 15° Gemini will be deemed combust if your Sun is at 12° Gemini.
The picture of a planet bathing in the sun's rays also reminds me of the goddess Bhuvaneshwari. She is described as having a 'radiant vermilion complexion resembling the sunrise' and wearing red clothes. It is noteworthy to notice that Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra states that the Sun is crimson as well. The west, where the sun sets, is the direction of worship for Bhuvaneshwari. She is supposed to have a vermillion complexion because she is immersed and saturated in sunlight, something spiritualists frequently discuss. She transforms emotional turmoil into optimism, fixing Moon related issues of emotional instability. She also aids a woman in attracting a suitable spiritual partner.
Similar to how this dasha bestows a woman with a male partner, the 'solar light' she is soaking up symbolizes the wealth of external sources of yang/masculine energy in her life. Similar to Bhuvaneshwari, every planet that is in conjunction with the Sun transforms them into a vibrant source of solar power. As a result, the dasha of that planet makes a woman more hopeful and receptive to her actual wants for a spouse, which eventually results in marriage.
It is significant to remember that because Mercury's transit is closest to the Sun's, it is typically more likely to be conjunct with the Sun. However, because each planet was nearly equally present in this factor, my analysis revealed that this had no effect at all.
BONUS - The Anti-Marriage Dashas
The mahadasha of the planet that governs your Moon nakshatra is, in theory, the lowest factor. Simply because she is too young at the time, it is extremely rare that a woman will marry during the same mahadasha in which she was born.
Excluding that, the lowest factor was during the transit of the mahadasha planet in the 8th house. For example- if you are in your Jupiter mahadasha but Jupiter is currently transiting in your 8th house, you are highly unlikely to get married during this time.
Intense transformation occurs during the mahadasha planet's transit through the 8th house. A person is suddenly compelled to face any suppressed feelings from the past that suddenly surface. In general, this upheaval is severe and unpleasant.
Talk about emotional baggage reclaim!
A woman does not have the mental capacity or desire to get married at this time. Sometimes, diving deep into self-discovery is exactly what we need before we can confidently take that leap into partnership. Although this personal change is not only desirable but also necessary, it is often inauspicious for marriage.
After all, you can't hear wedding bells over the voices in your head.
Second least likely factor for marriage was the Ketu mahadasha. Traditionally, Ketu is considered an ascetic planet in Vedic astrology. Similar to the previously mentioned 8th house energies, it symbolizes occultism, mysticism, contemplation, and ascetic spirituality. Ketu makes a woman feel detached from the world, detached from the feminine spiritual path of Maya. Her mind is constantly forced to contemplate deeper, existential subjects, leaving her bone dry of her juicy femininity.
When I upload the marriage dasha study for men, you will see how Ketu is really helpful for them. Just like Shiva, this helps them channel fiery, ascetic energy into a stable, romantic pursuit. Women, however, experience the exact opposite impact. Ketu's energy makes them apathetic and pulls them away from the nurturing essence of femininity. As a result, they do not desire to get married at this time.